glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi rsz lorenzo passi

Lorenzo Passi is one of the best european master artisans focused on glass sculpture. His enthusiasm for glass began while studying at the Francesco Arcangeli Art institute where he attended a workshop led by glass artist Joan Crous. At 20 years old, he moved to Venice and began a glasswork apprenticeship on the island of Murano in the workshop of Archimede Seguso and “Zanetti Veteria Artistica”.

The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Interactions 2016 Beijing Cina27

“Il muro” ©Lorenzo Passi

The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Condowsb

“Condows” ©Lorenzo Passi

The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Interactions 2016 Beijing Cina29

“Primavera, forse” ©Lorenzo Passi

He started training in techniques for manufacturing blown and solid-worked glass. In 2009, he moved to Nuutajärvi, Finland, where he continued training in glass works, graduating three years later. While in Finland Lorenzo began experimenting, matching blown glass to other diverse materials such as metals and wood. This technique would become the basis of his poetic creativity. Upon graduating, he returned to Venice to the workshop of Archimede Seguso and Zanetti glassworks. Lorenzo held his first exhibition in 2013 and has since exhibited his works internationally.

glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Gear003

“Gear” ©Lorenzo Passi

The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Lorenzo Passi 42

“Mincer” ©Lorenzo Passi

To create his glass sculptures he cuts and shapes iron rods usually used to make reinforced concrete. Lorenzo prepares the glass and hand-blows it directly into the metal structure.

The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Night Lovers

“Night Lovers” ©Lorenzo Passi

Lorenzo Passi’s work investigates the multiple dimensions of memory, creating sculptures that reflect upon the past and on the inevitable loss of the data upon which memory is built.

The Best of Glass Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Interactions 2016 Beijing Cina16

“Nina con giulia” ©Lorenzo Passi

The Best of Glass Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Interactions 2016 Beijing Cina13

“Groviglio in testa”

Eterno Cantiere #2 is a structure made of iron rods that contains a masterfully modelled hand-blown glass vase. The green vase seems to look for an escape route, its fragile sinuous curves stopped by the rigid metal interspaces.

The Best of Glass Art: Lorenzo Passi glass sculpture The Best of Glass Sculpture Art: Lorenzo Passi Eterno Cantiere 2

The art piece”Eterno Cantiere” was exhibited in Best of Europe at Homo Faber 2018 ©Michelangelo Foundation


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