After 30 years in the sector, Union Porcelain di Alessandro Vicino is known by its exquisite manufacture of Capodimonte Porcelain Flower compositions. Don’t forget to visit them at iSaloni 2019!

iSaloni 2019: Round basket with 53 closed buds in the color pink. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
Their incredible handmade pieces are full of lively colors, graceful compositions and extremely realistic details and finishing which can only be possible in porcelain of the finest quality.

iSaloni 2019: Basket with handle and roses, dark orange with dark red center color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
After many years of experience and dedication, this manufacturer learned how to merge the ancient craftsmanship and know-how preserved by their master artisans with the new contemporary vision of young generations.

iSaloni 2019: Photo: ©Union Porcelain
The result is an extraordinary fresh collection which treasures the memory of an antique and rare tradition. Life-like roses, centerpieces, candleholders and small laying flowers are then born to personalize interiors with a unique and elegant style.

iSaloni 2019: Candleholder. Tall composition with roses in velvet red color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
The tradition of Capodimonte dates from 1736, when King Charles III of bourbon gathered the finest painters, sculptors and craftmen in the workshop of his royal palace of capodimonte, in Naples. Later, in 1759, during the reign of Ferdinand IV, the factory was called “Royal Fernandea Factory” and it worked until 1821.

iSaloni 2019: Small log with roses and two small sitting roses on tree separate wooden bases, violet with white color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
There those talented artists developed a style coveted everywhere in the world: the capodimonte style. Their mark was represented first by a royal crown with the letters “F.R.F.” (Fernandea Royal Factory ), later on it was changed in a “N” surmounted by a royal crown. Nowadays, this is the most common mark used to distinguish an original capodimonte piece from a copy and this is the mark that Union has registered all over the world.

iSaloni 2019: Set of four frames rapresenting the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Assorted colors flowers, frame red-gold. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
Since the origins Capodimonte remained the leading European porcelain and today it is the highest quality standard following the remarkable tradition of the early palace artisans.

iSaloni 2019: Big set of three frames on real wood frame, assorted colors flowers, gold color frame. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
To be considered Capodimonte the pieces needs to be handmade and hand painted in Italy, its original country, and manufactured in porcelain or ceramic, the original materials used in the 18th century. Union is one of the last few companies still using porcelain, which is more difficult to be worked and shaped than ceramic.

Tall log with irises, white with violet tips color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
In fact, there is a great difference between the two materials: the porcelain chemical elements are more valued and require a different working process, because porcelain must be fired at 1280 Celsius degrees, whereas ceramic only needs 980. This is what makes porcelain stronger than ceramic.

Single sitting carnation, dark blue with white color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
Besides, thanks to the higher temperature it is being cooked, porcelain, no matter if it is mat or glazed, does not absorb water. This means that in a porcelain vase you can safely pour water, while in a ceramic one if you do the same in a short time the water will run through the vase and damage it. Finally, a porcelain piece, if hit by your finger nail, sounds sharp, as crystal does, while ceramic produces a lower sound, similar to wood and plastic.

Single sitting tiger lilly, light pink color. Photo: ©Union Porcelain
Stay with us to find out more about iSaloni 2019 and the best of contemporary design, art and craftsmanship.
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